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The Dumbing Down Of Americans
Superficial thinking has made many Americans vulnerable to demagogues, thieves and just plain liars. Unfortunately, the media and our government are full of the latter. What's behind this intellectual indolence? Is it drugs, our poor educational system, the instant gratification addiction induced by the technological advances in our culture or is it all the above?
The clearest indicator that this country no longer has grey cells that work is how the voting masses have been manipulated into believing everything the treasonous mainstream media tells them. The very idea that bills can be passed in Congress that will cost us trillions that we don't have and haven't even been read is beyond credibility. They have now reelected a president that has saddled generations to come with trillions of debt and yet will not cut spending. Hollywood celebrities fawned at his feet during the campaign ignoring the fact that he wanted to tax them into bankruptcy. President Barack Obama is just so cool, like Sally Fields, they all thought, "He likes me, he really likes me."
(The dumbing down has been a clear
strategy of the LEFT for at least 40 decades, for thru Saul Alinsky and his
Rules for Radicals, and thru the words of Hitler - in order to effect change
you must get to the young. As Hitler said, just give him the youth for 5
years of indoctrination. Look at the school agenda, more radical and
"inclusive" (except for Christians), more disparaging of our great
country, more ready to believe the Earth has never been thru former Ice Ages
and warming spells. What a great job they have done to indoctrinate our
citizens thru education, tv, movies, media, etc. )
An Overlooked ConstantOne of the constants in any analysis of income taxes paid in the United States since their inception in 1916 is the correlation between the top marginal rates and the taxes actually paid by the so-called wealthy. Short of turning America into Stalin's police state and confiscating all the wealth of the "evil" one percent, the predictable behavior of this economic class very much revolves around the tax policies of the government, both state and federal.
Since 2003, the key drivers in the increase in the share of taxes paid by the top one percent was the reduction in the capital gains rate, which helped to offset the increased top marginal rate passed in the Clinton years as well as taxing dividends at a flat 15%.
Despite the lesson of the above, the Obama proposal is to raise the top marginal rate to 40.5% (39.6% plus .9 for ObamaCare), increase the capital gains rate to 20.0%, and dramatically raise dividend taxation rates for the top one percent to 44.3% (40.5% plus 3.8% for ObamaCare).Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/12/an_overlooked_constant.html#ixzz2Ez63jxxE
Rep. Frank Wolf: Tunisia Won´t Let FBI Interview Benghazi Suspect
According to Wolf, Tunisian officials have not allowed the FBI to question him for the past five weeks.“These unnecessary and unfounded delays are inexcusable and demonstrate that Tunisia is no friend or ally of the United States,” Wolf wrote in a letter to Clinton earlier this week.“Since January 2011, the U.S. has given more than 320 million taxpayer dollars to Tunisia,” he said in the House Wednesday. “Why are we giving any sort of aid to a country that has proven at this time it is no friend or ally to the United States? Why are we not doing everything in our power to investigate the events in Benghazi that killed four Americans?” http://cnsnews.com/news/article/rep-frank-wolf-tunisia-wont-let-fbi-interview-benghazi-suspect
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MSNBC´s Hall Annoys Lib Senator By Asking Tough Questions Re: Intern Scandal; AP: Feds Waited Til After Election to Arrest Him
Democratic Senator Bob Menendez of New Jersey seemed absolutely shocked and appalled Tuesday afternoon, when MSNBC anchor Tamron Hall kicked off their interview on comprehensive immigration reform by asking him about breaking news from the Associated Press regarding the arrest and deportation order against an intern in the senator's office who is a registered sex offender. According to the report, the arrest was deliberately timed to fall AFTER the November 6 presidential election.Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/ken-shepherd/2012/12/12/msnbcs-hall-surprises-liberal-senator-actually-asking-tough-questions-#ixzz2Ez8qf5DA
Fair Share: Obama Staffers Owe $833,970 in Back Taxes
This is your regular reminder that the best taxers aren’t always the best taxees: A new report just out from the Internal Revenue Service reveals that 36 of President Obama’s executive office staff owe the country $833,970 in back taxes. This per the IRS. Federal employees as a group owe a whopping $3.4 billion in unpaid taxes, including 1,181 employees of the Treasury Department delinquent on a total of $9.3 million in taxes. (But do you recall the most famous delinquent of all? Tim Geithner had to pay $42,000 in back taxes before his confirmation as Treasury Secretary.)
An Islamic extremist hacker group appears to have followed through on its latest threats to attack several major American banks in retaliation for what it says is “widespread and organized offenses to Islamic spirituals and holy issues.” The attack is one in a series that began this fall under the banner of Operation Ababil, which the group has vowed to continue until the “Innocence of Muslims” film has been removed from the internet.
PNC Bank confirmed on its Facebook page Wednesday that it was experiencing “an unusual volume of internet traffic,” which was impacting its customers’ ability to access their accounts. On Tuesday, it had posted the following warning:
PNC is aware that some U.S. banks may be the target of a potential cyber attack. There are NO reported system issues at PNC at this time. However, this potential threat could result in high volume of electronic traffic that may make it difficult for our customers to log onto online banking. Please be assured that PNC's website is protected by sophisticated encryption strategies that shield customer information and accounts. We have no information regarding timing, duration or intensity of this potential threat. Please continue to follow our page for additional updates.
Man-made global warming: even the IPCC admits the jig is up
Man-made global warming: even the IPCC admits the jig is up
The admission of strong evidence for enhanced solar forcing changes everything. The climate alarmists can’t continue to claim that warming was almost entirely due to human activity over a period when solar warming effects, now acknowledged to be important, were at a maximum. The final draft of AR5 WG1 is not scheduled to be released for another year but the public needs to know now how the main premises and conclusions of the IPCC story line have been undercut by the IPCC itself.
Surprise: Emergency Sandy legislation full of millions in non-Sandy spending
We must get past the idea that a mere allocation of large amounts of money or passage of a bill is by itself the solution to a problem. This is something liberals understand perfectly well in other contexts. If spending more were always the answer, Mitt Romney would have won the TV ad war.See? Obama knew how to make critical decisions about where to best spend a finite amount of money in an election, and it worked for him. We should try the same thing in the federal government, even (especially!) in times of crisis.
UPDATE: Senator Kelly Ayotte also remains concerned about Benghazi. “I respect Susan Rice’s decision and appreciate her commitment to public service,” Ayotte says in a statement. “However, my concerns regarding the terrorist attack in Benghazi go beyond any one individual. I remain deeply troubled by the continued lack of information from the White House and the State Department. With four of our public servants murdered, it is critical that we get to the bottom of what happened.”
House Pressures EPA on Emails
The House Energy and Commerce Committee is pressuring the Environmental Protection Agency for answers on the use of secret email addresses by agency administrator Lisa Jackson and other top EPA officials.
Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R., Mich.) and Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee Chairman Cliff Stearns (R., Fla.) requested more information on the practice in a letter sent Thursday.
“In recent weeks, questions have been raised in Congress and among public interest groups about the use of one or more secondary email accounts and aliases by you and potentially other officials at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),” the lawmakers wrote. “Given your reported use of at least one alias email account in your conduct of agency business, we write to ask that you describe fully the nature and extent of this practice.”
(ya know you gotta love her venacular)
Only 15 states have told the federal government they plan to operate health insurance exchanges under President Barack Obama's reform law, leaving Washington with the daunting task of creating online marketplaces for two-thirds of the country.
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