Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday March 11, 2013

The deterioration of every government begins with the decay of the principles on which it was founded. — Charles-Louis De Secondat

Rep. Mike Rogers (R., Mich.), chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, said he has no doubt about the state-sponsored origins of Chinese cyber attacks.

“Beyond a shadow of a doubt, [the Chinese] use their military and intelligence structure to steal intellectual property from American businesses and European businesses and Asian businesses, repurpose it, and then compete in the international market against the United States,” Rogers said Feb. 24 on ABC’s “This Week.”

“It is unprecedented,” Rogers added. “This has never happened in the history of the world where one nation steals the intellectual property to repurpose it to illegally compete against a country.”

“And I’ll tell you, it is as bad as I’ve ever seen it and exponentially getting worse,” Rogers said. “Why? There’s no consequence for it.”

Kenneth deGraffenreid, a former Reagan administration White House intelligence director, said the duration, intensity, breadth, and persistence of the Chinese cyber attack threat reflects the long term strategic challenge China poses to the United States.
Fifty years after the atom bomb, Hiroshima and Nagasaki are gleaming, thriving metropolises. After 50 years of failed government promises in Detroit, the money has dried up, welfare has run out and the city is headed for fire sale. With cities and states across the USA not far behind and teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, Detroit is no longer just a punch line. It is a warning of the future to come for millions of Americans.
President Barack Obama and Michelle used to talk frequently about how the White House was the “people’s house.” In fact, the White House website nowcarries this quote from the First Lady: “It’s the ‘People’s House.’ It’s a place that is steeped in history, but it’s also a place where everyone should feel welcome. And that’s why my husband and I have made it our mission to open up the house to as many people as we can.”

So much for that nonsense. The same week that President Obama’s administration announced that due to sequestration, White House tours would be cancelled, sources at the White House announced that it would be hosting megastars Adele and Beyonce at Michelle’s 50th birthday party next year. “America’s First Lady will be holding a huge celebrity-packed party for her birthday at the White House next year and, as she adores Adele and Beyonce, she has asked them both to sing,” the source told the UK Daily Mail. The source did say that “The Obamas will pay Adele’s expenses as it’s a private party, not a State one.”
While the lawsuit over the sale of Al Gore’s Current TV to Al Jazeera is making headlines, a close reading of the legal complaint provides additional evidence that a congressional investigation into the curious transaction is urgently needed and necessary.

The media executive who claims to have arranged the sale says the idea was to make the Terror TV channel “palatable to U.S. lawmakers,” a formulation that suggests foreign lobbying on Capitol Hill in order to protect the $500 million payoff to Gore and other owners and investors in Current TV.

The suit says that media executive John Terenzio also proposed smoothing things over with “pro-Israel factions, cable operators and, most importantly, the American public.”

The other controversial aspect of the deal, as noted by Fox News contributor Lisa Daftari, is that “Al Jazeera America” has announced plans for bureaus in eight cities, including Detroit, Michigan, and that “Detroit, Michigan is a large ex-pat community of Muslim-Americans where [Jihadist] sleeper cells have been detected.”

Detroit has been called the Arab capital of North America.
The sequester was President Obama’s idea back in  2011 to begin with.  He thought it was an effective extortion tool to force  Republicans to do things his way, because he was not willing to compromise on  anything.  But it backfired and the Republicans for once stood their ground  and called the president’s bluff.
Like all bullies, Obama is blaming the Republicans for his sequester and he  is doing his best to make it hurt the public as much as possible so that they  will blame the GOP.  An email  that was leaked by a Department of Agriculture field officer indicated that  the Obama administration had given instructions to make the sequestration cuts  hurt Americans as much as possible.
Rep.  Tim Griffin (R-AR) commented on the leaked email, saying:
“This email confirms what many Americans have suspected: The Obama  administration is doing everything they can to make sure their worst predictions  come true and to maximize the pain of the sequester cuts for political  gain.”
“You can’t do anything that is inconsistent with the negative impact that  we’ve told everybody these cuts are going to have.” 

Three brilliant black leaders are tuning out Obama and the black community needs to tune into these leaders.
I’m surfing between the major news networks on a recent evening and I catch FOX News Channel’s Sean Hannity in the middle of an amazing interview with a guest named Harry Alford, the CEO and co-founder of the Black Chamber of Commerce.
My jaw drops as Alford essentially calls Obama an anti-business tyrant who is hurting the African American community; he says he voted for Obama in 2008 but now has buyer’s remorse.
I get to thinking: Given the choice between Alford and Obama, why do many blacks still choose Obama? Why does Obama have an 88 percent approval rating among African Americans while his overall approval sits at 47 percent? After all, what has Obama done to help African Americans?
I am concerned and puzzled because the black community seems to be ignoring the wisdom of successful black leaders in business, medicine and journalism. Let me introduce you to three black leaders who are challenging the president’s policies:
Consider that we have a president whose word simply cannot be trusted. Alan Caruba calls him a "Wannabe Dictator" and Obama's own words prove the case. He bypasses Congress at every turn and his executive orders "grant [him] total power over every aspect of life in America in the event of an emergency or attack." Additionally Obama has learned well the import of Hitler's comment that "all propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach."
Additionally, Obama is just fine with
• A Department of Justice memo outlining his plan to kill American citizens at will.
• A Marxist aversion to capitalism, the engine that has made America so successful.
• An unrelenting assault on rich people, while hypocritically taking their donations for his own use and all the while actually threatening the livelihood of the middle class.
• A constant and unremitting debt that threatens to destroy the fabric of this country. In this clip Ronald Reagan "warned us about Obama." since it is completely unsustainable for any country to maintain such debt.
• Deluging the country with immigration reform that threatens to add at least seven million people to Obamacare.
• The continuing breach of law in order to bring undocumented people into the Democratic party, a crass and boldfaced move if ever there was one.
• The incremental effort to disarm American citizens.
• Stonewalling on Benghazi.

Read more:

U.S. courts are loath to overrule the administration whenever it cites national security. A federal judge, Colleen McMahon of New York, in January ruled against The New York Times and the American Civil Liberties Union to see records about the government's legal justification for drone attacks and other methods it has used to kill terrorism suspects overseas, including American citizens. She cited an "Alice in Wonderland" predicament in which she was expected to determine what information should be revealed but unable to challenge the government's secrecy claim. Part of her ruling was sealed and made available only to the government's lawyers.
"I find myself stuck in a paradoxical situation in which I cannot solve a problem because of contradictory constraints and rules - a veritable Catch-22," the judge wrote. "I can find no way around the thicket of laws and precedents that effectively allow the executive branch of our government to proclaim as perfectly lawful certain actions that seem on their face incompatible with our Constitution and laws, while keeping the reasons for their conclusion a secret."
The AP could not determine whether the administration was abusing the national security exemption or whether the public was asking for more documents about sensitive subjects. Nearly half the Pentagon's 2,390 denials last year under that clause came from the National Security Agency, which monitors Internet traffic and phone calls worldwide.
"FOIA is an imperfect law, and I don't think that's changed over the last four years since Obama took office," said Alexander Abdo, an ACLU staff attorney for its national security project. "We've seen a meteoric rise in the number of claims to protect secret law, the government's interpretations of laws or its understanding of its own authority. In some ways, the Obama administration is actually even more aggressive on secrecy than the Bush administration."
The Obama administration also more frequently invoked the law's "deliberative process" exception to withhold records describing decision-making behind the scenes. Obama had directed agencies to use it less often, but the number of such cases had surged after his first year in office to more than 71,000. After back-to-back years when figures steadily declined, the government cited that reason 66,353 times last year to keep records or parts of records secret.
This morning you were required to get out of bed an hour earlier than you rose last Monday. If you are like most people, you did so in the same spirit of resignation with which you endure winter rain, believing that there are benefits to be gained from Daylight Saving Time that outweigh its discomfort and inconvenience. This belief, however, has no basis in reality. Unlike cold rain, which at least provides sustenance for the land and its inhabitants, DST offers no benefit whatsoever. Indeed, evidence is mounting that it actually constitutes a threat to your health and adds substantially to the cost of American medical care.

This, you may think, is an exaggeration perpetrated by a late riser rendered cranky by the necessity of getting up an hour before his body clock is ready to deal with the travails of Monday morning. But, while I confess to considerable irritation at this prospect, it is nonetheless true that the change to DST is bad for your health. As Bora Zivkovic writes in Scientific American, “Chronobiologists who study circadian rhythms know that for several days after the spring-forward clock resetting … traffic accidents increase, workplace injuries go up and, perhaps most telling, incidences of heart attacks rise sharply.”

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